Friday, September 25, 2009

Knitting As Art

Stephanie wrote:

I am in awe of people who think outside the knitting box. They develop a new technique, write a clever pattern or decorate the urban landscape.

Consider this case in point. I park near this pole on a regular basis and always admire it. The other day I got my act together and finally took pictures of this structure clad in knitting.

It is a colorful, fun work of art that adds so much to this corner. While I couldn't get a close up of the fish at the top, there were other things in my range.

A bunny with a red scarf and fluffy tail. I think this was made by the Beatrix Potter of knitting.

These creatures are adorable, and I'm sure many kids have wanted to take them home. I wanted to take them home.

And this work of art is signed. Good job, South End Knitters. You should be proud of your cleverness and creativity.

Last night I was obsessed with starting a new project - it was my reward for a long day of work. I decided that I wasn't going to bed until I had started something, anything.

I picked Harmonia's Rings from my queue and proceeded to get started. It was midnight, but I was bound and determined to have something new on the needles.

Casting on involved watching a YouTube video of Cat Bordhi demonstrating the Moebius Cast On. This method is totally outside the box. I watched the video a couple of times and ripped out my first attempt. Yes, it was late and my eyes were glazed, but I was on a mission.

I don't think I completely understand why it works, but sometimes knitting is just a matter of believing and doing. When all was said and done, this is what I had to show for my midnight knitting session. While it doesn't look like much, I went to bed feeling very satisfied with my accomplishment.

And this is what greeted me when I got home today.

A delivery from the Land of Enchantment - New Mexico green chile. It wouldn't be fall without roasting green chile.

Thanks to everyone who commented on the last post. I've enjoyed reading the comments and added a couple more projects to my queue. There's still time to leave a comment and enter the contest which closes on Sunday.

1 comment:

knitrn said...

Stephanie - I know exactly how you feel to not be able to go to bed until you start something, anything. I also have done the moebius caston from Cat's Youtube video - and I had to play and re-play several times - successful in the caston's completion, but blind as to how I got there. A mystery to me yet, but I know it works. Nice to see the photos of that knitted work of art by the South End Knitters - thank you for sharing. Jean Laramie